GBDH welcomes our 2023 summer associates!
June 12, 2023
Alex Sanchez Bressler is a rising 3L at Stanford Law School. For the past two years, Alex has worked with the Oakland-based Sustainable Economies Law Center providing legal services to BIPOC communities organizing for their collective welfare. Most recently, Alex worked as a Public Writing Fellow for the Stanford Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity writing about race and jurisprudence. He is an avid artist, enjoys pressing flowers, and is excited to explore class action litigation at GBDH. Alex will be with GBDH through Friday, August 18.
Christian Giannini is a rising third year at UCLA Law, studying public interest law and policy. At school, Christian leads the Tenants’ Rights Clinic with Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles and serves as Chief Articles Editor for the Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Law Journal. Last summer, Christian externed with Open Door Legal in San Francisco, advocating for low-income tenants facing unlawful detainer actions. Prior to law school, Christian obtained a B.A. in Communication Studies, Magna Cum Laude, from UCLA and worked as a Paralegal at Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian & Ho for two years. Christian will be with GBDH through Friday, August 11.